Saint Peter the ApostleSaint Peter the Apostle

Mission Statement

St. Peter the Apostle Parish, of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Louisville, is committed to announcing the Good News of Jesus Christ and thus forming  its members into a community of disciples who make God's love known

Our Four Goals

Generate Parish Unity  
Live Our Faith Joyfully  
Nourish Our Faith Continually   
Proclaim Our Faith Through Action

Welcome to St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Community

Support Our Parish

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St Andrew Academy and St Peter the Apostle Virtual Tours


Sept 16Eucharistic Adoration, Mondays, 1pm-2pm, Church
Sept 19Friendship Club, 10am, Family Hall
Sept 20Eucharistic Adoration 3pm-5pm, Church
Sept 20Adoración Eucarística 7pm-8pm, Church
Oct 2050/50 Drawing, 9:15am, Church

Recent Obituaries of St Peter the Apostle Parishoners

Mass Schedule

SATURDAY - 4:30 pm
SUNDAY - 8:00 am, 9:45 am (Español), & 11:30 am
WEEKDAY - 8 am (see bulletin)